Lovely lady, I know how it feels. Your business is your baby, your passion and let's face it, sometimes your obsession. (guilty as charged!)

But despite your best efforts, attracting dream clients isn't as easy as you thought it would be.

Even though, you're doing all the "marketing things". Posting on social media most days. Getting out of your comfort zone regularly.

So far, it feels like a lot of work and little in the way of traction.

Here's the good news.

I believe you absolutely have what it takes. And that you're on the cusp of accelerated success.

That right now, it's simply a matter of "you don't know what you don't know". And that's about to change.

Because YOU CAN do this!

I built my online business to multiple six figures in under two years. I know exactly how it's done. And even with my 30 year corporate marketing background, the learning curve was steep.

BUT, my special super power is turning vast amounts of info, into specific action steps to deliver results.

And that my friend is exactly what's inside the Momentum Mastermind.

The specific mindset, marketing and monetisation strategies, to attract your dream clients and speed up your success.

So, If you're ready to stop scratching your head and become the CEO you know you can be, you're in the right place.

Welcome to the Momentum Mastermind.



STARTS MAY 31ST, 2021.

Applications close May 29th, 2021 @ 9pm AEDT









"I overcame imposter syndrome,  and determined a clear path forward, which led to huge  growth in my business, and bye bye corporate forever!"

Jen Bowers, Founder of Pink Pom Pom, Brand Stylist & Mentor

My clients regularly come to me desiring increased confidence, the ability to attract their soulmate clients and wanting to create momentum in their business. If you want the same, here's what we're going to do:


  • Together we will align into your bigger vision and values, laying the foundations for you to build a business that loves you back (profitable, flexible, scalable)
  • Elevate your personal brand, so that you ooze charisma, & magnetise your soulmate clients
  • Get you claiming your space, you will quit with playing small and show your friends and family that yes you CAN do this (with the results to prove it)



  • Develop your simple digital marketing eco-system that works double time (kaching!), no more feeling bamboozled (by all the options!)
  • Solidify your mindset and oust your inner imposter.... with tools and techniques that position you for long term success
  • Position you for a huge rush of momentum and transformation, that speeds up the timeline to your financial goals

"I went from selling my course evergreen to live launching  & my business has literally exploded, every launch is bigger and better now! "

Tricia Camacho, Founder of the Creative Costume Academy & Pattern Making 101

This IS for you if 

  • Your business is up and running but you KNOW you're destined for bigger and better results
  • Your business isn't a hobby, you have a clear vision for 6 or even 7 figures
  • You've learned a tonne from freebies, but procrastination often kicks in, you're ready for a greater level of support and accountability
  • You want eyes on YOUR specific business, and a level of personalised support
  • You're open and coachable, which means prepared to listen, learn and take action
  • You're excited to be part of a community who support each other and keen to make a positive contribution
  • You're motivated and ready to do what it takes to gain momentum, including making time and managing your energy to take advantage of the program
  • You're ready to be honest with yourself, and do what it takes to clear out the BS stories holding you back
  • You're finally ready to realise your full potential!


This ISN'T for you if 

  • You're not interested in learning through the experience of your peers
  • You would only be joining for the private coaching access
  • While your business is important, it's often not a priority and you struggle to make time for it
  • You're super private and can't imagine sharing your challenges in a group
  • You don't have a clear business idea and or any offers at this point
  • You have a fixed mindset and see this as a rescue mission of sorts

This combination of mindset support & launch focussed marketing will propel your business forward!

You will learn how to build your business on YOUR TERMS, make a huge IMPACT and grow your INCOME.

CEO of you!

Adopt a CEO mindset and develop daily success habits that see you kicking your inner imposter to the that you can show up with confidence, feel empowered and be visible consistently.

Master the art of magnetic marketing

Create content that builds connection with your most ideal audience, strengthens relationships and increases appetite for your offers. Develop signature messaging that sets you apart and builds your profile.

Launch your offers like a BOSS!

Understand the key steps to successful launches. You will learn how to launch powerfully and create both an influx of cash, and a pipeline for future buyers. This will position you to scale your business sustainably and powerfully.

Hi I'm Yvette,

An ex corporate marketer who's managed hundreds and millions of global brand dollars,  a digital-marketing evangelist, and recent leader of a 300 person business.

I walked away from it all, with a passion to help women like you (and me) ditch the stress + struggle and step into a life of impact, freedom and abundance.

I grew my online business to multiple six figures in under 2 years. And in the process, I discovered the formula for massive momentum.

This formula has helped hundreds of women grow their confidence, master their marketing and step into increased sales success.

Now it's your turn.

Think of me as your new marketing biz bestie, and trusted mindset support system.

Together we're going to set your business up to succeed on your terms. Now that's the kind of business that loves you back.

Profitable. Flexible & Aligned with YOUR values. 


"during the Mastermind I went from 5 years of "I’m launching" my app, TO actually launching (phenomenal!) PLUS getting clear on more exciting opportunities to leverage my skill set"

Kim Bransdon, Founder of the Divorce Source app & (now) Divorce Coach

How will the Momentum Mastermind help you accelerate your business?

As a member of the Mastermind you get access to:

1:1 Private Coaching & Weekly Group Coaching

We're not doing this by half measures! During our 3 months together, you can access two private 75 minute coaching sessions with me as well as your twelve group coaching sessions (up to 90 minutes each). This combination ensures you have eyes on your specific business and are able to apply the training effectively.


Seven transformational training modules

Million $ marketing secrets! Yes I've learned from the best brains in the business. The MM contains action oriented training to help you move your business forward FAST. Learn what, why and HOW to apply, with step by step support. You will gain the skills to become a confident and effective marketer during this program.

Momentum Mastermind Community

I'm going to struggle to do justice to the bond that's formed inside, it's that good. What starts as a community becomes full on biz bestie support. Communication flows between whatsapp and our private FB hub. You will literally feel like there's a 24/7 biz lifeline in your pocket.

Deep Dives

On top of the seven epic training modules, you're gaining access to deep-dive masterclasses. Not to brag but there's some pretty epic special guest trainings on the inside!  PLUS you will be voting on NEW live trainings during the program. Emerging opportunities? You're covered!

Momentum Mastermind APP

We all live busy lives so yes it's important this training is easily accessible. Hello dedicated Momentum Mastermind app! All training and group coaching replays are available inside. You can catch up any time and on the go.

The BEST Bonus Resources

I'm all about making things simple and easy for you. Which is why on the inside of the Momentum Mastermind you get access to project management tools for everything from nailing your 'I get to do list' to confident content planning & stress free launch organisation. 

Here's a glimpse into some of the results the Momentum Mastermind will show you how to create:

☑️ Upgraded belief in YOU

How to solidify your belief in yourself as the best of the best, so that you can show up like the business owner you know you can be… creating more magnetic content, being a boss lady and continually growing your visibility

☑️Showing up in your authentic power

How to be fully aligned with your own authenticity, so that you always know what to share on social media, you're more alluring, create more curiosity AND people clamour to be connected with you!

 ☑️Attracting the exact right clients & customers

How to clearly articulate who it is that you want to attract to your offers so that you cut through to the exact right humans you want in your world

☑️Creating magnetic messaging that builds appetite & converts to sales

How to create money-making content, so that you can attract more customers to your business and stand out and become known as the leader in your field

☑️Elevating your money mindset

How to price your offers strategically and with confidence. Trust in the value that you bring and stand behind your offers. Love your numbers and treat the cash in your business with faith and abundance.

Hear the full story from Jen Bowers, on her experience of the Momentum Mastermind!

Jen Bowers: Brand Stylist & Mentor, Founder Pink Pom Pom Social


There's a tonne of bonus resources on the inside too....I'm not kidding, this is a tiny taste of what you can expect instant access to!

TRELLO boards

Intro to Email marketing

ABC of Instagram for business

Offer page step by step training!


The Momentum Mastermind is focussed on you making rapid PROGRESS.

It's designed to support business owners who are already making money, but know there's so much more available by investing in the right support.

Let's dive into exactly what's covered in the training modules.



Your business is up and running, so why isn't it on fire?

Much as I LOVE me some's unlikely to be the only thing holding you this module we work on stepping into your CEO self: aligning to your zones of genius, strengthening your mindset and the daily entrepreneur success habits for maximum impact. 

Deliverables: Following a step by step process, you will develop your go to daily blueprint, enabling you to consistently elevate into your highest self. We cover intention setting, daily mindset programming, a powerful manifestation approach, human design, operating in your zone of genius & growing your self trust.

Plus it's all at your fingertips


You can catch up on training when and wherever you are, with our dedicated mobile app connecting you to your content on demand! This is your one stop shop for inspiration, education and getting your A into G. Bonus resources are already waiting for you! ⤵️

(Available on Apple & Android)

Sound amazing?
You bet it is! And it's incredibly accessible as well.

12 WEEKS: LIVE MAY 31ST, 2021

$1,997 UPFRONT
$677 x 3 PAY
$347 X 6 PAY


Intimate group experience

12 x (up to) 90 minute group coaching

7 training modules

Sales page copy support

Incredible resources, instant access

Group whatsapp for full program

Private FB group


12 WEEKS: LIVE MAY 31ST, 2021

$2,997 UPFRONT

$1,027 x 3 PAY
$527 X 6 PAY


2 x 75 minute 1:1 private coaching sessions (value $1,997)

Intimate group experience

12 x up to 90 minute group coaching

7 training modules

Sale page copy support

Incredible resources, instant access

Group whatsapp for full program

Private FB group

14 DAY Money Back Guarantee
I'm so confident you're going to gain a tonne of value from the Momentum Mastermind, that I guarantee it!
That's right, if you can demonstrate you've taken action, participating in everything that the Mastermind offers AND you're not finding it're eligible for a money back guarantee!

Here's more insight into what it's like to be part of the Momentum Mastermind:

I can read your FAQ' mind...

Some answers to the things I know are on your mind

This Momentum Mastermind was specifically created for coaches, service based biz owners and digital creators (products & e-comm). The content is rich in digital marketing training, tools and resources.

You are in good hands with me lady, I'm a bit of a guru on the tech front. And anything I can't comfortably support you with, I'm able to point you to a resource for. Most times with tech, it's the voice telling you it's too hard, with effort and patience, you CAN do it.

There are two answers to this one.

  1. if this is a case of 'too introverted', then you are not alone. This level of group support will give you the confidence to take baby steps toward an authentic brand presence.
  2. Never gunna happen? Eg for safety or regular reasons.....I hear you and YES we will activate strategies that allow you to inject your personality into your brand with you personally showing your face.

How many times has this been the reason for not starting to grow your business? If it's more than one, it's time to tell yourself a different story! While I hope to run the mastermind again later this year, it's not guaranteed.

This is NOT a course. It's a high level, high tough, intimate group program. There is significant personal support and eyes on your specific business and challenges. This program is designed for you to make huge leaps forward in a short window of time.

Every week you will be given an opportunity to share your progress and seek guidance. With a maximum of 10 in the mastermind group and 90 minute calls, there is typically 5-10 minutes each.

There will be a new module every second week, giving you ample time to consume and integrate your learnings. During the mastermind you will develop a business plan with step by step instruction and support. Plus there's a tonne of resources to address any areas where you're stuck.

This program is designed to support you in scaling no matter what level you're at currently. That said, it's been designed with women reaching for six figures in mind. If you're excited to be in that environment, and know your marketing needs help, then book and application call and let's explore options.

If you're a full scoop kind of woman, meet Tricia, founder of Creative Costume Academy, as we talk about her experience


Applications close:

May 29th, 2021 @ 9pm AEDT









I can't wait to help support your business growth!


50% Complete

Two Step

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