In 3 simple steps, increase your energy, clarity & self esteem, so you can crush your happiness goals



The happiest people you know have decided

to make their long term, personal happiness a priority

That like them, you already have everything you need to be happy

& once you've DECIDED your happiness is a priority, simple  steps will transform your mood and life!

The three steps to take now, to give you more energy,

clarity & self esteem, so you can get busy crushing your happiness goals

It's time to learn to love yourself happy

Whether you've been stuck on the sidelines waiting for the 'right time' to do something about your state of mind or struggling along in denial, let this masterclass be your break through.

It's your birthright to be happy! It's also up to you to make it so. The first step is deciding, follow that up with inspired action and you will be well on your way.

Join me to learn the simple steps that will get you back on track and crushing your happiness goals.

I can't wait to see your smiling face in the masterclass!

This Masterclass

is a must attend if

  • You've lost that loving feeling (I mean happy feeling) and are ready to take the action required to find it again
  • You know it's possible, but aren't sure where to start or what will be most effective
  • Your moods are best described as unpredictable and you're looking forward to being a nicer parent/spouse/friend again!

A personal invitation from Yvette...


10 years ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was the wake up call I needed to get serious about my happiness.

The good news is, you don't need to experience a life threatening illness to do the same.

In fact, given you're here, you're a step ahead, ready to move into action mode. Congratulations!

This brand new, fresh for 2020 masterclass is a culmination of years of study, a tonne of coaching experience and living it.

If you're committed to making this year your happiest yet, I can't wait to help you crush your goals.

Choose the time that works best for you when you reserve your seat.


"Yvette's energy is infectious! Working with her on my challenges & goals, was a decision I will never regret. I'm calmer, more confident and healthier too. This has added up to me feeling so much happier overall. Talk about game changing!"

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